
I am so happy to be finally able to welcome you to my online site. I have procrastinated over how to represent myself and my brand for long enough and with the help of some wonderfully creative people all my ideas have become reality.

It is important to me that instead of just product shots each item is shown worn to give it life and help with sense of scale. Our first photo shoot took place in my  home ( where better to represent me?) under the careful direction of the talented Marion Cody.

The label's beautiful muse Mia Purcell did a fabulous job modelling the collections (and charmed us all). The whole day was a dream, even Lilly the dog didn’t get too stressed.

So a heartfelt thanks to the incredibly talented photographer Doreen Kilfeather, to Paula Hughes for the styling, to Zoe Clark for makeup, Kathy McLean for hair and of course to Marion for inspiring us all.

Cheers to girl power.

Mary x

1 comment

  • Fiona Hedigan

    Congratulations Mary! The website is beautiful.
    Best wishes Fiona

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